Wednesday, September 30, 2015

National Mud Pack Day

Today's Goal: To practice with crime scenes.

- Crime Scene - Dinner
- Daily Journal: What type of evidence is blood type (individual or class)?
- Start Unit 1 Review Sheet
- Quiz on Friday

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Confucius Day

Today's Goal: To practice using crime scene sketches.

- Daily Journal: What are three things that must be done at a crime scene?
- Measuring a Crime Scene
- Trivia

Monday, September 28, 2015

Good Neighbor Day

Today's Goal: To view a show about microexpressions and forensics.

- Daily journal: List two examples of individual evidence... look at notes for hints.
- Someone log into Netflix on teacher computer... Lie to Me: Episode 2

Friday, September 25, 2015

Today's Goal: To create crime scene groups

- Daily Journal: A bald man opens his eyes and finds himself naked in a small room full of people he doesn't recognize. A female grabs him and starts to slap him before he can say anything. The male is shocked and burst into tears.

Who is the male and who is the female?

- Crime scene groups

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dog in Politics Day

Today's Goal: To discuss evidence.

- Daily Journal: What are four pieces of evidence that might be found at a crime scene?
- Ch 2 notes

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Elephant Appreciation Day

Today's Goal: To complete computer work.

- Daily Journal: Name the organizations with the following acronyms: FBI, CIA, ATF, NYPD
- Complete computer work FACES and careers

Monday, September 21, 2015

International Peace Day

Today's Goal: To continue working on FACES.

- Daily Journal: In a party, two friends ordered coke with ice. One of them drank five of the same in the time when his friend was able to drink only one. Immediately after, his friend died. However the other one was feeling completely normal. Both the drinks were poisoned. How did the guy who drink five glasses survived?
- Finish your celebrity FACES

- If anyone needs to finish researching careers, please do so and hand in paper

Friday, September 18, 2015

National Cheeseburger Day

Today's Goal: To continue working on FACES.

- Daily Journal: An old man lives alone in a flat. Because of his age, he cannot move comfortably and thus has most of the things he needs delivered to his house. On a Friday, the mailman senses something suspicious and looks through the keyhole. There he sees the bloody body of the old man. When the police arrived at the scene, they found two bottles of warm milk, Tuesday’s newspaper, and some unopened mail. They soon found the guilty culprit. Who was the murderer?
- Finish your sketch of Jim
- Find a good picture of a celebrity and use FACES to sketch them... no repeats

Thursday, September 17, 2015

National Apple Dumpling Day

Today's Goal: To attempt to make a sketch using FACES.

- Daily Journal: Minute Mystery: There was nothing Leon, the driver, could do about the impending crash of the car he was driving. Leon knew the car would be completely demolished in the crash.  After the crash Leon didn’t have a scratch on him.  How can that be?
- Log into a laptop.
- Try to recreate a class photo to the best of your ability

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

National Play Doh Day

Today's Goal: To continue looking at forensic careers.

- Daily Journal: What makes a face more memorable?
- Laptops - finish Forensic Careers WS

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Make a Hat Day

Today's Goal: To look into forensic careers.

- Daily Journal: What are four careers that are linked with forensics?
- Finish Lie to Me
- Careers search

Monday, September 14, 2015

National Creme-Filled Donut Day

Today's Goal: To view a show based on Paul Ekman.

- Daily Journal: What program do police use to recreate what a suspect looks like?
- Micro expressions online:
- continue Lie to Me Episode 1

Friday, September 11, 2015

Make Your Bed Day

Today's Goal: To finish eyewitness notes.

- Daily Journal: What are two things that affect your memory.
- finish notes
- WS Careers in Forensics

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sewing Machine Day

Today's Goal: To discuss memory.

- Daily Journal: What is the term for a person who has seen someone or something and can communicate these facts?
- Notes
- Careers in Science

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Teddy Bear Day

Today's Goal: To look into how observation fits into forensics.

- Daily Journal: What is something that affects our ability to observe a crime correctly?
- Ch 1 vocab/case studies

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

International Literacy Day

Today's Goal: To discuss observation

- Daily Journal: What is one topic that you want to learn about related to forensics
- Are you observant?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Newspaper Carrier Day

Welcome Back!

We will be logging into the Chromebooks to open our new Google classroom and complete a survey.